The Draconian Race

The Draconians are descendants of the dragons of old. They are great reptilian beings, but not nearly as great as their ancient ancestors. The Draconians have been around for many aeons. They have great talents as both powerful fighters and learned casters. Slow, but sure, is the way of the Draconian.

   ____________________________________________    _______________________
  | Race Resistances:                          |  | Base Statistics:      |
  |--------------------------------------------|  |-----------------------|
  |  Asphyxiation:   Significantly resistant   |  |  Strength:       14   |
  |  Cold:           Significantly susceptible |  |  Intelligence:   15   |
  |  Magic Cold:     Significantly susceptible |  |  Willpower:       8   |
  |  Psychic:        Moderately resistant      |  |  Constitution:   12   |
  |____________________________________________|  |  Dexterity:       5   |
                                                  |  Charisma:        6   |
                                                  |  Free:            3   |