(Created page with "== My aliases == <pre> 0: l chalice 1: fill 500 hp 2: fill 500 mana 3: fill 500 ftg al: alias bcg: buy cookies to go bcl: buy calculator bd: buy dagger bef: buy 3 be...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:47, 17 May 2013

My aliases

 0: l chalice
 1: fill 500 hp
 2: fill 500 mana
 3: fill 500 ftg
 al: alias
 bcg: buy cookies to go
 bcl: buy calculator
 bd: buy dagger
 bef: buy 3
 beh: buy 1
 bem: buy 2
 bg: buy guide
 bhc: bulk enhance pack
 bi: ride birdie
+bitch: channel bitch
 bmu: beam me up
 bp: buy pie
 bpc: buy purple chalice
 brt: buy rtimer
 bt: buy tequila
+bughouse: channel bughouse
 bw: blow whistle
 c: cost
 ca: cost all
 cb: cross bridge
 cc: change channel to
 cg: cost -g
 ch7: challenge mk7
 ch8: challenge mk8
 civ: climb in vent
 cm: consider monster
 cn: cant
 cs: cost -s
 cw: climb wall
+d: down
 da: pinch daisy
 dc: Dest all corpse
 de: dismount eagle
 def: drink green elixir
 deh: drink blue elixir
 dem: drink yellow elixir
 df: drain 20 ftg
 dh: drain 20 hp
 dhi: drink elixir of blue liquid
 dm: drain 20 mana
 dt: drink tequila
+e: east
 ec: enter camp
 ee: enter encampment
 ep: enter portal
 eq: equip all
 es: enter solace
 et: eternal
+exa: look
+examine: look
 f: eat pickle
 fa: force agility
 ff: drink green liquid
 fl: force levitate
 flc: force levitate corpse
 flr: force levitate rock
 fp: force push
 fpm: force push monster
 ft: force throw
 ftm: force throw monster
 fu: force pull
 fum: force pull monster
 ga: get all
 gaa: get all armor
 gac: get all from corpse
+game: channel game
 gaw: get all weapon
 gc: get coins
 gcp: get coins from pack
 ge: group emote
 gfe: get green elixir from pack
 gfp: get green elixir from pack
 gh: 'grey havens
 ghp: get blue elixir from pack
 gmp: get yellow elixir from pack
+gossip: channel gossip
 gra: group accept
+gs: group say
 gsp: get stick from pack
 gst: group status
 gtp: get tequila from pack
 ha: say hamburglar
 hr: heighten reflex
 hs: harden skin
+i: inventory
 k: kill
 km: kill monster
+l: look
 le: leave encampment
 li: light stick
+linux: channel linux
 lis: look into sphere
 lm: look monster
 ls: leave solace
 lt: tell /last 20
 ma: mark all
 me: mount eagle
 mh: mount horse
 mi: enter mirror
+n: north
+ne: northeast
+newbie: channel newbie
+nickname: sub
+nw: northwest
 od: open door
 of: open hatch
 og: open gate
 pa: put all
 pb: push button
 pcp: put coins in pack
 pd: peer down
 pda: pick daisy
 pe: peer east
 pep: put all elixir in pack
 pie: eat pie
 pl: pull lever
 pn: peer north
 pne: peer northeast
 pnw: peer northwest
 pp: push panel
 ppr: pull purple rope
 profs: list proficiencies
 ps: peer south
 pse: peer southeast
 psp: put stick in pack
 psw: peer southwest
 ptp: put all tequila in pack
 pu: peer up
 pw: peer west
 pwd: look
 qi: request inspiration
 qm: query monster
 r: rest
 ra: raise
+radio: channel radio
 rb: read book
 re: retrieve
 rs: redstatus
+s: south
 sa: sell all
 saa: sell all armor
 saw: sell all weapon
 sc: score
+se: southeast
 set1: setting 1
 set2: setting 2
 set3: setting 3
 shs: shave self
 sk: skills
 skills: list skills
 sm: strike monster
 sn: scant
 sp: solve puzzle
+sports: channel sports
 ss: strike
 ssb: set saberstyle balance
 ssd: set saberstyle defense
 st: stand
 stats: list stats
 stu: stupor
+sw: southwest
+t: tell
+tech: channel tech
+u: up
 ua: use amulet
 ud: unlock door
+unnickname: unsub
 uo: use orb
 uq: unequip all
 uqw: unequip weapon
 uw: unwield weapon
+w: west
 wt: watch tv
 ww: wield weapon
 x: hp
 y: reply
 z: cleanup